14321 Jarvi Dr, Anchorage, AK 99515
(907) 227-2393
Transportation & Trails:
Alaska is limited in roadways throughout the state. In the cities (Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks) & some of the villages, roads are available. In Anchorage, no problem. Where you wish to go, there is a street or a highway.
Jarvi Homestay is approximately one mile from a bus stop
The #60 stops at the north end of the neighborhood, on Oceanview, & takes you downtown. For schedules & fares, check the website
Car Rentals – Anchorage is pricey – make yours in advance and check AARP, Costco, and similar options
Trains – Alaska Railway
Airport – The Ted Stevens International serves many airlines. We are 8.75 miles away.
Planes – Sightseeing/Flightseeing Tours – Merrill Field & Ted Stevens Airport are possible sites
Commercial Airlines – check your preferred airlines
Bicycles – More than ten sources for renting bicycles are available. You may want to purchase inexpensive models for getting around if you are visiting for several day. We will donate bikes to charities if you leave them with us
Foot Trails – Anchorage boasts 127 miles of trails within the city, plus the national forests are practically limitless for the hiker or walker.
The Hillside Trail System offers many excursions.
Eagle River Nature Center, located about 20 miles north, is a wonderful walking area if Anchorage lacks enough miles for you

Availability: Jarvi Homestay provides you with choice: convenience & comfort, tucked away from bustle and noise. Jarvi Homestay is located in the Oceanview area of South Anchorage just off the Seward Highway, a route leading to the Kenai Peninsula & many touring sites. This is a BnB close to downtown sites, yet near the waters of Cook Inlet and the peace of a quiet neighborhood. Why settle for concrete, parking lots, traffic, and close contact in public places?
The guest suite encompasses an entire floor of this split-level residence with many amenities. A garden room brings the outdoors in – occasionally featuring moose & birds en route to their destinations. And the hot tub on the upper deck allows you to luxuriate while listening to the breeze! Want a preview?
You may be en route – to a winter glacier cruise, a rural tour of service, an outdoor adventure. Are you coming for the summer season? Planning on biking, hiking, sightseeing? Visiting the marvelous museums and cultural centers of Alaska? Let us be your resting spot in Anchorage. Find us on GoogleMaps or Mapquest for clear directions.

What Our Customers Are Saying
J. Rasberry

Kathy & Dan Dallas-Fort Worth
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