Stay With Us
14321 Jarvi Dr, Anchorage, AK 99515
(907) 227-2393
Why do we call it the “Homestay”? This name reflects our philosophy, our expectations of etiquette, & our desire to make your visit as comfortable as possible. As you explore the website, you will get a picture of what we offer & how we hope to connect with travelers whose approach to living encompasses personal & global health.
Reservations made three or more weeks in advance of stay receive priority handling. We will consider same day reservations, but please understand that these opportunities are limited due to demand. As a ‘boutique’ B&B, we accept reservations for no more than two parties at one time so that you are treated like guests of the family!
Flight arriving late? Let us know so that we can accommodate your arrival. Here is the 8.75 mile driving route from the airport to Jarvi Homestay.

Rates vary with the number of visitors in your party, & the number nights you will stay. To all room rates, 12% tax is added according to local regulation.
We work with SCF, ANTHC, ANMC, Providence, Regional, invoicing for services approved in advance by purchase order or travel requisition, so please ask!
Great Environment for Vacationing Professionals :
- Fire/EMS/First Responders
- Health Care/CAMS
- Law Enforcement
- Military
Availability: Jarvi Homestay provides you with choice: convenience & comfort, tucked away from bustle and noise. Jarvi Homestay is located in the Oceanview area of South Anchorage just off the Seward Highway, a route leading to the Kenai Peninsula & many touring sites. This is a BnB close to downtown sites, yet near the waters of Cook Inlet and the peace of a quiet neighborhood. Why settle for concrete, parking lots, traffic, and close contact in public places?
The guest suite encompasses an entire floor of this split-level residence with many amenities. A garden room brings the outdoors in – occasionally featuring moose & birds en route to their destinations. And the hot tub on the upper deck allows you to luxuriate while listening to the breeze! Want a preview?
You may be en route – to a winter glacier cruise, a rural tour of service, an outdoor adventure. Are you coming for the summer season? Planning on biking, hiking, sightseeing? Visiting the marvelous museums and cultural centers of Alaska? Let us be your resting spot in Anchorage. Find us on GoogleMaps or Mapquest for clear directions.

What Our Customers Are Saying
J. Rasberry

Kathy & Dan Dallas-Fort Worth
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Call Us: (907) 227-2393